Please stand by for an important public service announcement... It seems that Phil said the blog lady that manages Cold Fury server thinks it wasn't a DDOS attack but something else in the blog causing an error or some other goobly gook tech geek reason, Igor and Tech Dude would understand. You wanna bi-sect an aortic arch, I am your man, how computers talk and dissect zeros and ones is beyond my scope of practice.
Cross those appendages that we be back soon as there is some progress...
So does that mean we can't blame this problem on Sarah Jane Rotten Crotch and her gay friends from the mouse hou?
Nope, she AND her idiot 'friends' are faaaar too stupid and faaaar too stupid and worthless meatsacks to be able to pull this kind of 'stuff' off... t'was a "...discovered was some kind of spiraling death match thing with requests from the server itself to the blog - we're talking thousands of them. That would lead to the exhaustion of memory and also available apache request slots, taking web services down across the board, which, while no one seems to have noticed because we got things restarted very quickly, was kind of annoying."
That from tech support... seems the theme went apeshit is what they think... Mike's is up as the primary, and y'all's should be too soon. I'll be honest, I switched out the Scrooge Picard the other day and maybe THAT triggered it? Not sure but the them went batshit, and they had to reload/rename it. T'was probably me... that's my sort of luck Aye? If it was, my most sincere apolly-olly-ologeez!
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