Saturday, August 20, 2022

Big Country Needs To Hire A Child Custody Lawyer, A Good One. Dig Deep Please

 I'm sure you have been following along over there watching the complete shit show with him and his wife trying to raise his Grand Daughters because the Mother isn't capable of taking care of them properly, her coming and demanding one back, running off to Tennessee with her, BC and Wifely Unit driving all the way from Florida trying to rescue the Bebe and then the courts taking her back.

Certain signs of abuse were evident during their brief recue and now they need to go through the legal wringer to get her back.

It's a complete disaster but far and away, them taking care of those two little girls is the best possible outcome. My hat is off to both BC and Gretchen his wife, for stepping up and taking this battle on.

I grew up in a broken household and I can personally tell you that stability is a Big Deal when it comes to the future mental health of these two little girls.

So if you want to help them be able to afford an attorney to do battle with,

Here Is Your Chance.

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