Sunday, September 4, 2016

Looking For Input On Your Thoughts About What Is Coming

I read a lot.
News, Blogs, opinion pieces, how to's, all kinds of things.

Lately I have been getting the definite sense that people in general are on edge because there is no clear idea of what the near term future holds regarding this ridiculous election coming up.
I say ridiculous because that's exactly what it is if you step back and look at it.

This general feeling that something bad is coming is unlike any election season that I can remember and I have been watching them since 1978, even earlier actually.
I was kind of following politics clear back when Nixon had his Waterloo.
I was just a kid then but I was paying attention. The Viet Nam war was on television every night throughout almost my entire childhood and I breathed a huge sigh of relief when they finally ended the draft and that war when I was 13 years old.
It was staring me in the face.

So if you look at it that way, I have been observing politics in this country for over forty years now and I will repeat myself when I say that I can not remember people being on edge so much as I have been noticing lately in that entire time.

Until now.

What I am wondering is what you folks that come here are thinking. I am genuinely curious.

The conversations you have with yourselves, inside your heads.

Are you resigned to the worst case you can imagine and just going to go with the flow or are you getting your shit together as quickly as possible for what you see as an inevitable Clinton win?

Do you see anything at all that makes you hopeful for better times ahead and are planning for that accordingly?

What are you guy's thinking and if you are moved to the point you are taking action, what are you doing?


Anonymous said...

I truly believe that if Hillary wins that the USA will go full communist under the term progressive, and that the new kulaks will be the white male. Maybe with full kulak treatment.

Jesse in DC said...

Buy more ammo. No matter how much you have, it probably is not enough. For me, I would rather die on my feet. (actually I would RATHER die of old age) Make sure the Harridan is not elected. Best to prepare for the worst case scenario, and if it does not happen, good!

bobbookworm said...

It isn't only the election, though that by itself will be bad enough. Hillaryhag will probably push us into a civil war internally between the gun grab and the immigrants if she doesn't start a nuke war with somebody first...socially we will be so screwed. Might not be an immediate thing but over a year or two. An obviously stolen election could be all bets off.
I think the real 800 pound gorilla in the room will be the collapse, EBT cards stop for the restless natives, "just in time" screams to a halt and shelves go some degree it WILL happen and probably early in the next Presidents 1st term. You get another outlier like Hanjin going TU and the house of cards comes down. Hell, hanjin might be enough to push us over the edge...who knows.
Don't see how they can kick the can down the road much farther...thus hunkering down in the boonies. We bailed on Phoenix a couple of years ago for the southern Oregon coast to get away from the crowds. Back then my gut was saying that it was time to look rural and away from people...we watch the political game from up in the cheap seats with a bag of popcorn sitting in the sun till we get our fill and then go back to the bunker to fill a couple more sandbags and improve fields of fire. Requested more MRE's and ammo deliveries and could use another body or two on the perimeter but hopefully we'll do OK when they hit the wire.

Phil said...

Good choice on the Southern Oregon coast.
It's very overlooked.
I grew up in North Bend/Coos Bay so I'm rather familiar with it myself.
I would also have to agree that the financial melt down more than likely will dwarf the concerns about who is at the helm when the ship goes down.

Peter Grant said...

I think this article puts it well:

Inequality? 1% vs. 99% - check. Resources? Look at the millions streaming out of the Third World, desperate to become 'refugees' (read 'economic migrants') in the First World - because that's where all the resources end up. Check.

That should make you worry. If you're already worried - worry more! The current US elections are merely a symptom of that wider problem (as are the millions of illegal aliens crossing our southern border, and the different solutions proposed by left and right to deal with them).

Reg T said...

As I just posted elsewhere:

Knowing that the FBI/DOJ refuse to prosecute Clinton for self-admitted violation of federal law - where part of the penalty for doing so is being unable to ever hold a public office again - it is obvious that she will never be investigated by this administration for any of her crimes, including murder (four deaths in less than a month recently) and treason.

Does anyone think she would be investigated, let alone charged, with using her knowledge of Obama's crimes and perversions to be appointed as the next president no matter how we all vote? If an ineligible, gay, communist-trained incompetent could be elected - twice - while continuing to refuse to allow anyone to see any of his records, how big a stretch to think the Left can simply ignore the votes of the citizens of this country and declare Clinton the winner, pretending to have counted the votes properly, and denying any voter/election fraud at all? Simply calling the Republican Party sore losers who were trying to drag her down with another conspiracy theory like the email debacle.

I sincerely hope I am wrong, and that Trump gets elected instead if this evil, venal, psychopathic, drug- and mind-controlled bwitch. But I won't be holding my breath.

deb harvey said...





Anonymous said...

Knowing what the Federal Government has become and supporting it has become real treason. Hillary is no different than EVERY person who serves this government. Interesting that the "new leader" of the "III%" "Mark" a serving US Army officer, is running his support for global war as "story one" on "sipsey street". As is almost everyone on BOTH "sides" of this mockery of an election. No matter who "wins" we all are about to lose. This Clinton/Trump BS has nothing to do with a rigged "election process". It is a fiction maintained to keep the mob distracted while the world war is planned and executed. "War powers" make the "president" dictator for life, and us slaves. ---Ray

Anonymous said...


all laugh at human follies especially those whom think voting will cure the rot growing so far..

be prepared if not now forewarn you must determine how you will survie from now till you die

or just go blindly ignorant into your own graves

your choice always


Andy said...


While the idea of pondering whatever might be coming down the road is nothing new, I think many of us are getting the feeling of something massive bearing down upon us all. And soon. At least that is how I see what you are describing.

While I can accurately say I've seen "something" coming for most of my own decades of life, that "something" has always seemed somewhat distant. Until lately.

Recently I posted an analysis on a favorite forum I frequent. After further thought, I turned that post into the basis for a blog and have since added a few more posts. I expect to keep adding to it as inspiration strikes.

That said, what I see happening is from a couple of different perspectives - spiritual and human.

Spiritually, I can see the age old battle for mankind raging toward the climax. And by this I mean the Return of Christ and eventual new heaven and earth. Before this I expect to experience the Rapture.

Taken from a spiritual perspective the condition of the world is evident. We are rushing towards moral bankruptcy. The world as a whole is rejecting the one true God and his Son Jesus the Messiah while embracing sin and all that is good.

Even if you reject my observations above, do you also reject the idea that the planet is heading towards a world government? I cannot. In fact I believe a one-world government is inevitable. The globalists are winning or so they think.

In fact, all of this was prophesied centuries ago. This past century or so has seen leaps and bounds towards that end. This past decade has put the plan on afterburners. How long can it be now? What will it take?

What will it take? Possibly an international crisis of some sort. Another world war comes to mind. An economic crisis seems as feasible. In any case, I cannot see how any global government can assume power as long as the United States of America remains sovereign.

Hence the push for open borders, amnesty for illegal immigrants, handing over control of the Internet, the climate change farce, stripping our constitutional rights - 1st, 2nd and 4th especially, while constantly battering our minds with even more endless drivel. (Pokemon Go!, Facebook (I'm stuck doing laundry after work but HEY! Slurpzees are on special!), Candy Crush).

So part of all of this, it seems, is those of us still capable of actual thought are bored to tears. While we may not recognize what is happening all around us for what it really is (believe me I'm barely out of the fog myself!), we all know something is very, very wrong. For those of us who are Christian, I think God has a huge hand in our personal wake up calls. I believe God is also reaching out to non-Christians. Most of that outreach is through us, thus we cannot afford to come across as wild-eyed nut cases.

As I said before, I fully expect to experience the Rapture before a world government is in place. Said Rapture could happen even today however, it would not surprise me if it were years or decades before the Rapture occurred. My point for this last caution should stand as a warning for anyone contemplating dropping everything to go wait on a hill for Jesus. I do not think He would be pleased.

Andy said...

The bottom line is I can see where the road ends but the path is blurred. It is entirely plausible, maybe even pretty darned given, that America must fall before a world government can step in. Should the Rapture occur before America falls then this event in itself could provide the necessary boost. Sure it could happen this way. Popular fiction has explored this concept to death. But will it? Quite possibly NOT. And if not then we can expect to see some very nasty deterioration in the meantime.

So if a world government is indeed inevitable and the US of A is one or maybe the only thing standing in the path – what can we expect? Nothing short of an all out assault on our nation. Of course we are already experiencing such an assault but will the opposition all of a sudden give up and lay off or.... turn the heat up one or more notches? You tell me. If Trump somehow gets elected, the assaults may come from other sources. Just a note here, while I am no fan of Trump, I do not think the globalists are either. However they will do whatever it takes to maintain control. A Trump Presidency may slow them down but not by much. Otherwise we can expect a full frontal surge from a Clinton administration from multiple fronts.

All in all, I've witnessed this nation swirling around the toilet all my life. Reagan gave us a brief respite but we are now in full flush mode. While I do not know how much worse things can get, it seems certain they WILL get worse.

There is enough undeniable stuff going around that all points to a globalist conclusion. Personally, I have little time for anyone embracing

stevierayv said...

I predict pain and lots of it

Anonymous said...

Have you read the book The Hunger Games? If not, go read it. Not talking about the technology in the book, but the mentality of the elites. That is what is coming here.

riverrider said...

i think we are in for hard times no matter who wins. seems to be a perfect storm brewing with any number of disasters natural and manmade all coming to our way. i try to remain hopeful that it will stall out until i die but i really think it'll be in my life time and it will be ugly. stocking up, arming up, fortifying but not sure i want to live to see my world destroyed.

Grog said...

FWIW, my thought is not being able to get food or get online will pop the balloon for most people. So, here's two links that will be the most likely "keys" to how the ruckus starts.

Will obozo declare himself dictator? will killery take over? we'll find out soon enough. Keep prepping and stay safe, everyone.

Andolphus Grey said...

Ho Boy, interesting question. I'm thinking beyond the election. Both Trump and Hillery are terrible choices. How much of this is smoke and mirrors? For the people who actually run this country, does it matter all that much who is president?

There are two things that concern me right now. The economy and the threat of war. The economy is a rigged game. There are people in position to make a lot of money.

Just thinking back to the small town I grew up in. When the Depression hit, there were people who picked up prime real estate for pennies on the dollar. Then they hired skilled workers at starvation wages to build more. When the economy turned around they became much much richer. There are vultures in position to do that again.

War is a major major concern. The powers that be are in a position to increase their power by sending their nations into war.

I used to think our problems concerned resources and technological issues. Now I think those problems can be solved, if only there would be the political will to solve them. There are those who are willing to send most of humanity down the tubes if it will gain them a tiny slice extra of wealth and status.

While things look grim, I don't think it's the end of days. Had I been a German Jew in 1939 I would have know it was the end times. While a lot of people might get killed and/or go through a living hell, I don't expect the Rapture. Just not something that I believe in.

On a personal level, I've reconnected with my tribe. Whatever we go though, it will be easier with family and friends pulling together. Normally we would plan on traveling south in the fall or winter. For the rest of the year we will be staying closer to home. There are things to deal with. I've also done things like picked up two cases of high quality house type water filters. Having good clean pure water takes care of half your problems.

If we do travel it won't be until sometime next year when things have had a chance to settle out a bit. I won't make any decision based on fear. I'm going to have to see what's going on with my own eyes.

Ain't gonna panic.

Eclectic Kelvin said...

It seems like people have the tenancy to follow the herd and that is what the Government needs and why the ant-American crap is being pushed on the young and the dumb. There is also a bit of hope and or terror for me that if Trump gets elected and i do hope he does and follows through on ferreting out and sending home the Illegals. Once that starts that may change peoples fear of doing nothing and keeping quiet about what is pushed on us. But it could also start a stampede and go too far too fast, and if that happens it could bring blood lust. It does happen in groups and crowds of people who would not usually do anything by themselves. For good or bad something has to happen because stagnancy like we are in right now never lasts too awful long. I think we all can feel that heaviness. We finally get out of California at the end of the month and are moving back home to south eastern Alabama. And are getting ready for as much as we can. Prepare for the worst as best as we can and keep faith that most people are still civil.

Phil said...

No panic on my part yet either. However I have had an ever increasing sense of doom for several years now that just keeps intensifying and I try to trust my guts if you know what I mean.
I am forced to rent right now and that just bugs the hell out of me because I can't put the plans I would like to have already done into practice.

For me right now it's about food security and has been for quite some time, back to that rental thing above, I can't just go out in the garage and start building shelves or go out and dig a root cellar.

Spud said...

It's the economy stupid. One only need take a look around, and view all the empty strip malls. The fact that a full third of our population is not employed.
Too many people, not enough resources.
Historically, this formula has always boiled down to war.
Nuff said, have a nice day....:-)

I've been prepping pretty much my whole life, knowing that this was inevitable.
If you haven't prepared at all...well, I pity you.
Myself...shoot I gotta die sometime and I'm too fucked up to run now.
So it's hunker down and bring out all those neat toys if SHTF.

Either way the selection goes ain't gonna bring salvation. Whether it be Hitlerys Socialist nirvana. Or that used car salesmans pitch. We are sooo screwed.

Spud said...

It's the economy stupid. One only need take a look around, and view all the empty strip malls. The fact that a full third of our population is not employed.
Too many people, not enough resources.
Historically, this formula has always boiled down to war.
Nuff said, have a nice day....:-)

I've been prepping pretty much my whole life, knowing that this was inevitable.
If you haven't prepared at all...well, I pity you.
Myself...shoot I gotta die sometime and I'm too fucked up to run now.
So it's hunker down and bring out all those neat toys if SHTF.

Either way the selection goes ain't gonna bring salvation. Whether it be Hitlerys Socialist nirvana. Or that used car salesmans pitch. We are sooo screwed.

Anonymous said...

Honestly I'd say that I'm hoping this to be the 1856 election aka the last gasp of the wigs and before the new third party really put forward a good candidate, though given what happened in 1860 that may be an even more ominous way of thinking.

I honestly don't see much to any hope from either major party's nominees winning. Worse the anti-establishment tea party seems to have been co-opted things are going to get worse and it will be that much harder to rebuild a peaceful movement to institute fundamental Classic-Liberal principles.

The only possible bright side to a Hillary win is that it looks like the Fed is about out of ammunition for delaying the massive global economic correction and even with major media spin it will be hard for her and Obama not to take a lot of deserved blame for it. The danger is that this might become an excuse for things to become even more authoritarian.

Peter said...

What we all need to keep in mind is that all the obvious things that we see are just as clear to OPFOR, which means that they have plans to "manage" the crisis to their own advantage.

Also remember that even the Bad Guys can have a good day, just as we can have bad days. That scenario means that it'll be "something sorta bad" that OPFOR/FEDGOV will be trying to exploit the hell out of. The advantage for us is that we'll both see it coming and be able to respond to pretty much in real time.

The really dangerous scenario will be the one that catches everyone by surprise, the Black Swan event, such as a solar flare (CME) or an EMP attack. Or a pandemic that spreads quickly. At that point, all bets are off.

The thing that you all need to remember is that in the event of a 'man caused disaster', whether that's Hillary's direct doing or her taking advantage of someone else's bad action, is that TPTB's plan depends on having at least a semi-normal America to rule over. That's something we can use against them. How many times can OPFOR blow up a house full of women and children in order to make sure they get the right-wing antigovernment extremist that they were after? The answer is 'not many' before Joe and Jane Sixpack put down the Fritos and rise up themselves.

Sure, it's gonna be bad; very bad. But not as bad as our vivid imaginations think it will. Buy more ammo, food, and medical supplies. I'd also recommend picking up as many Marlin/Glenfield 60's as you can afford. Joe and Jane are gonna need a weapon, after all.

deb harvey said...

sorry about caps-- little finger is rogue.

Gary in Bama said...

Phil keep on increasing food . Think of a place to flee in the country like "the best boat" you know the one a friend has but you can borrow it.
When the war in the middle east grows and opponent's change again That will beginning of the endgame. The dollar, economy, will become toast. Widespread acts of terrorism will be the norm in cities. This will be smoke and mirror's to keep the sheeple focused on. I follow the gray man plan. with food and alcohol as back up to ride out what's coming.

Anonymous said...

I started making plans to leave CONUS back in 2008 when the great pretender said he was going to fundamentally change America...crystal clear to me what he was up to. In 2015 I moved to the Philippines where I'm living free. Never going back, too late to change from within, to early to start slitting throats. Good luck to all, you're going to need it for what's coming.

Anonymous said...

as for you, you are doing many of the things others should be doing

like making a vacuum food saver

or like six bears using veggie oil and alternative power

or like dios workshop putting up a wind genny

or like framboise manor building a green house

the rest can bitch all they want and do nothing until the shit hits and be caught unable to do nothing but die suffering

these are the real survivors of the future because they are taking time to develop skills and infrastructure now, not later


A Texan said...


I'm about your age - I was 12 when the draft ended in '73.

I see the same thing. Oh, 1980 was a big deal in terms of a forked political road, but not like this. Back then, most people still had their heads screwed on right. Our generation's grandparents - who had survived the Depression and won WW2 - were still largely alive and well, smacking down the stupidities of the youth of that era (i.e. us). Now? Not so much. The WW2 generation is gone, and the oldsters of our political world are the children of Dr. Spock, the spoiled-rotten baby-boomers.

The nihilistic ideas of the '60s (which weren't new, but the conceited asses of that era thought that they were SO much smarter than everyone else) aren't being fought tooth and claw, as they should be, but are being taught as gospel in our schools and media. Society as we knew it is falling apart. All that is keeping it together is a few old codgers and codgerettes like us, and some of the youth who were lucky enough to have parents who taught them well. Meanwhile, we've spent ourselves to the bottom of a very deep pit, run down our military (again! What's this, the 4th time in 100 years - don't we learn ANYTHING?), feminized our entire society, and we're letting in tens or hundreds of thousands of literal barbarians that not only don't like our society, they hate it with a passion.

So this election, after 8 years of Obama ruining our finances, ruining our military, feminizing our nation even more, liberalizing our judiciary, etc., etc. - THIS IS IT! Everyone with any sense KNOWS this, in their bones. The $64 Trillion question is: will those of us who remember this country as it was, who love this country and its ideals, who look at history logically and objectively, who see and hear the giant waterfall that our nation is on course to go over shortly...will we be able to turn the ship of state around? Will we be able to buy ourselves and our kids/grandkids some time, and perhaps use that time to convince our sissified, brain-washed youth to snap out of it, to mature and to add their own link to the chain that has been built since 1776, or not? I fear not - and if the sick (of mind and body), shrill, totalitarian harridan gets into the White House, then our worst fears will be realized. We will, IMHO, enter a period of purging not unlike that after Louis XVI was executed, and before Napoleon seized power. After the purging starts, there will be a revolt. I don't know if it will be successful, but if it isn't then look for this nation to cease to be. Millions of us will be dead or imprisoned, or under a form of self-imposed house arrest - fearful of saying or posting anything against the orthodoxy of the Leftists. I truly fear for my kids' futures, but am preparing them as best as I can intellectually and morally to be a credit to their family, to be the next generation of traditional Americans.

I'd love to die an old man, in bed, and to have the chance to look back on this period and laugh at my undue pessimism. I just don't think that I'll get that chance...but it won't stop me from trying me damnedest to stop Clinton.


Paul W said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A Texan said...

Excuse me - This was addressed to PHIL, not Andy. Minor brainfart, sorry!

Oldfart said...

My first Presidential election was Eisenhower in '56 (I think.) Since then I've watched this great country drift closer and closer to the brink of the waterfall. Now I believe I can see the pool at the bottom. It's already filled with battered bodies. Is there room for me?
This election is going to result in greater chaos than has ever been loosed on this continent. Regardless of which figurehead wins, there will be left behind a mass of disenfranchised people who will feel as if they no longer have anything left to lose. The ensuing war - whether civil or international, will quickly disabuse them of that idea.
As we have all seen over the past few years, the Left has become increasingly hostile toward the Right. The Right has - for the most part, simply sucked it up and gone back to work to feed their families and pay the taxes required to feed the families of the Left. The lack of any reaction has led the Left to believe the Right will never fight back. I believe this is a grave error and that when (not "if") the fight comes, the Right will win, but it will be a pyrrhic victory, leaving them so weakened the army of Liberia could easily overwhelm them.
God help us all - we're going to need it! In the meantime, plan, prep and buy more ammo!

TuNeCedeMalisPJS said...

My grandfather and his family lived there free in 1939, then in 1942 he and his family (my Mom was 5) found they weren't so free as POW's for the next 3 years... Some of his coworkers who did not have families ran to the hills, most never seen again...

Anonymous said...

I also agree with the 'stay away from crowds' urban area thoughts, especially in beginning. Yes, lots of amenities, but if the economy takes a dive, a location where too many people will overwhelm the system and dive into chaos. After a die-off occurs, a good location to scavenge materials (if there is anything left).

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