Thursday, August 22, 2024

My next dog...



Peteforester said...

I'm not sure how things are where you live, but here on the West Coast these dogs are BRED to be vicious because BETS are made on them in DOG FIGHTS. There's MONEY TO BE MADE. People go OUT OF THEIR WAY to make the dogs as violent as possible. Viciousness is in their DNA. You can't train that out of them, and you can't spot the genetics in a litter of pups. Most of the shelters here won't even accept them, as there's no way to be certain that they won't "go pitbull." They can't be adopted out. Is it the dog's fault? No, but the breeding is what it is, making the breed what it is...

Anonymous said...

“People go OUT OF THEIR WAY to make the dogs as violent as possible”
^^THAT^^ is the problem.

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