Wednesday, May 24, 2023

We don’t want any, any way. We have no mercy, and don’t expect mercy back. We understand the risk.



Michael said...

Sadly, going to be true on all sides as I expect far more than a two sided conflict.

Trusted friends are more valuable than gold.

MrLiberty said...

It will be house to house. There will be no fronts. There are NOT red or blue states, but varying shades of purple, with red states mostly leaning in that hue of purple, with rather blue large cities, and even so-called "blue" states with very large red populations that are simply outvoted. Most certainly the surrounded cities will be battlegrounds, but the suburbs are not homogeneous by any means, and even those who should know better have been horribly brainwashed by the MSM.

Peteforester said...


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