Friday, May 12, 2023

Big Country...


Big Country…

Big Country called me this morn and explained he had some setbacks, I am not at liberty to discuss. Big said when he could, he would.

The reason for the post is Big Country said he won’t be posting for about two weeks and will resume posting on his blog when the big oscillating contrivance has flung it’s available fecal matter. I ask for you to offer up your prayers and a passing beer fancy to both Billy and Gretchen during this time.

I can say this is a synapsis of B & G’s torment…


irontomflint said...

"Here I am, stuck in the middle with you."

Yeah, I'm that old. You remember it too, boomer, back when music was good.

Unknown said...

Main site is GONE as of Sunday afternoon.
Pear-shaped extrordinaire...

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