Saturday, November 12, 2022

Worse then Legos!



Justin_O_Guy said...

And trying to get rid of those trees is almost impossible. Why isn't the good stuff so hard to kill ?
The upside is
If you can avoid the biggest deposit of those miniature organic maces until you're almost done mowing they will clean up under your deck.

Anonymous said...

What ARE those pin cushions called? And what tree do they come from?
I remember playing with (and raking up) those in my misbegotten youth, but I (was) moved away so long ago, and never been back, I've forgotten.
Help a dormant Southerner (now Westerner) remember.

President Elect B Woodman

Justin_O_Guy said...

Look up sweet gum tree. Near as I can tell there are no redeeming qualities for those things. Roots grow towards and into any septic system to destroy it. The roots sprout suckers, cut it down and watch how determined they are to live. The wood burns okay, but the grain is twisted. Fun splitting.

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