Saturday, November 5, 2022

I Sent This To The Wifely Unit

I got into a heated argument with her last Summer  when she was wanting me to load up the riding lawnmower she finally allowed me to get.
Come to find out the only reason she relented in the first place after I had been wanting one for five fucking years was so that I could drag the thing on a seventy mile round trip to go mow her Dad's giant lawn. I told her these fucking ramps are dangerous, right after one of them tried kicking sideways on me.
I sent her this so she just maybe will get a fucking clue that I'm not talking shit when I say they are dangerous.



I drilled holes in the end of mine and matching holes in the tailgate. Then I drop a bolt into the holes so the damn ramps can't spit back out like that. I also ALWAYS back up into the bed of the truck.

You gotta know that little ride fucked that old man up.

Lucky for him, the neighbor behind was watching, along with whoever was filming it, so they could drag him out from under the damn thing.


mobius said...

He could have taken advantage of the hill. Pins are good. Brains would really help.

Country Boy said...

When my Granddad died my Dad would make a trip to my Grandma's every two weeks to do some mowing. He built a trailer hitch that attached to the toolbox on his pickup, and a set of ramps to load the mower. He'd back the mower into the bed, drop a pin through the hitch on the mower and the one on the toolbox, slide the ramps in, and away we'd go. Everything was built to his specs, and there were never any problems. Over the years, he made three different hitches for various pickups and toolboxes. I still have them. An odd bit of nostalgia.

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