Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Remind them most stridently, a whip or a pistol is acceptable.



Joe Jackson said...

I'm confused - is this Kenny or am I stupid. You don't need to answer that - I was just wondering why my blog isn't on your blog roll here


ontoiran said...

what makes me throw up a little bit is when they call each other "honorable" and talk about how much they sacrifice in "public service"

Cederq said...

Joe Jackson, it is Phil's blog, I am his co-hort now and I moderate and post on this blog and too. The Bustednuckles blog is the main one and we use this as a back up and post lightly to keep it active. I will put ya on the blog list, hope you do the same.

Phil said...

WTF, The View From Lady Lake used to be on the blogroll, damned if I know why it isn't anymore because I can't delete the ones that have been dead for over a year!
I'll have to re add you on the left sidebar, it won't let me add anymore to the right side anymore either.
Fucking Blogger!

Phil said...

Bottom right hand side Joe.
The fucker won't let me put it anywhere else!

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