You may have seen an article yesterday about a bunch of protesters being arrested over in Idaho at a Gay Pride rally for Conspiracy To Riot
I did but the importance of it escaped me until this morning while I was out having my coffee and smoke, skimming the headlines.
The people arrested were a group called The Patriot Front.
I recognized the name because of the irony of them being a front for nefarious purposes and their Method of Operation.
All dressed alike and showing up in a rented U Haul van, some with identical riot shields

The light came on when I reread that part.
The same bunch that showed up in D.C. a while back, out of the blue, all dressed alike and all mysteriously young and in good physical condition.
Not one typical fat, out of shape, middle aged American male in the bunch.
It wouldn't surprise me to find out someone on The Chans has already doxxed their asses if the arrest records have been made public, as they should be.
If they haven't, then that would be one more confirmation of Fed Boi status for these guys.
It looks to me like someone forgot to inform these police officers over in Idaho about the
plan and they decided that they didn't feel like playing Fucky Fuck games with a bunch of obvious Shit Disturbers.
How fortunate for us.
Curious that they are all wearing those expensive, tactical boots worn by assault teams... And, that they were allowed to keep the masks on while handcuffed. Something fishy.
The arresting cops would secure them and rip their masks off.
First report I saw there was an admission that the feds had people on the inside. They didn't say that was All they were,,
Sure enough ,looks like they went shoe shopping together.Z
I like your way of thinking!
All this fake-ass-fuckery, right before Roe vs. Wade gets overturned tomorrow.
Thats's when the "Summer of Luv II" kicks off.
Dems need to stir shit up before November 8th.
Time is running out to get your shit squared away, friend.
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