Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Chicken egg tips...



Anonymous said...

Thanks for that. Good knowledge for when the black-outs come.

Glypto Dropem said...

I have had laying hens since 2007 and consider myself quite successful at it. While it doesn't really sound like many, 24 hens will lay at least 1 1/2 dozen eggs a day when in full production and was overwhelming. Right now I have 11 (had 12 but a fox got one) hens in full production and 5 older ones that lay occasionally. It is a manageable number for me. The eggs sit on the counter never in the fridge. I package them up in surplus cartons and my wife sells them at work for $3 a dozen. Friends and family get `em for free and we eat lots of them ourselves.

Phil said...

That is awesome!
My neighbor has a few but there is no way I would have the time to deal with any.

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