Saturday, May 14, 2022

Get Your Shit Together NOW

 Looking at the current situation and extrapolating current trends into next Winter tells me that we have about three months to get with the program and get set up for what is surely going to be a deadly cold season this year.

As things sit right this minute, I can't even put a garden in here.

I had ice on my windshield again yesterday morning, May the 13th.

That broke the record for the latest frost date in this area.

The rain has been near constant and the ground is saturated anyway.

That combination would more than likely see any seeds planted rotting in the ground anyway because the ground temperature is still too low on top of it all.

As far back as I can remember I don't ever recall a more delayed Spring/Summer weather condition like what I am seeing right now.

My best guess tells me that it is going to continue like this until one day it's going to go from chilly, cloudy and rainy to 85 fucking degrees like someone flipped a switch and then stay warm for a while.

Another thing I have noticed over the last several years is the Summer season changing earlier and earlier to Fall despite what the Calendar says.

Late August the last few years I wake up and can see the condensation on the windshield of my cars.

That's the change.

That means we are literally having three months of decent weather that we can count on for a growing season.

IF, June decides to cooperate.

If not, September is usually one of the most beautiful months of the year around here but there are no guarantees.

With the continuing INTENTIONAL destruction of our economy, infrastructure and goods delivery systems, things are looking VERY SKETCHY for next Winter.

Heating oil, gas, diesel, propane and Natural Gas are already at historic price levels and now there is a looming Diesel Shortage staring us in the face.

This has been documented extensively across the internet already and the down stream effects of the scarcity of the most critical energy source this and every other country depends on to survive can not be stressed enough.

It boils down to this very simple fact,

No Diesel, No Food.

Full stop, end of story.

Amongst all this intentional destruction and mayhem, I am seeing people discussing politics as if nothing else is going on and they are pinning their hopes on voting the Democrats out of office.

These people need to wake the hell up.

Even if you removed every Democrat from office tomorrow, the damage has been done and is going to take YEARS to fix.

As it is, they aren't going anywhere, You Aren't Voting Your Way Out Of This to begin with and the ones in office still have years to continue their planned destruction of this country.

There are The Good Old Days people and you had best wrap your noggins around that fact.

At this point, Normalcy Bias is going to be a deadly condition to be afflicted with.

None of this is news, it's been going on for years now but Crunch Time is upon us.

Get Prepared.

Or else plan on becoming a starving refugee inside your own country.

A very cold , starving refugee.


Bigus Macus said...

As long as people can go to their local food mart and buy basics they won't wake up. I have a few friends I can talk to about it and they are prepared but that's it.

Bigus Macus said...

As they would say in the Navy. “Standby for Heavy Rolls” “Now Stand by For Heavy Rolls.” In sailor talk, this translates into… The shit is about to hit the fan, all hell is about to break loose…

deb harvey said...

'deepsouthhomestead' writer danny king has started planting fruit trees recommended for northern climates
ha sees it coming and issues posts about the coming cold

Anonymous said...

Good thoughts, Deb. Added 18 fruit & nut trees to the orchard last month. Installing a Bison hand pump on our well head this month. 6 months of long-term stored food in the basement. Added 2 more wavian jerry cans to the fuel shed last month. Added 6 more firearms to the collection this year. Stocking more cash in the house. Assembling a hard copy library of human knowledge: encyclopedia set, chemistry, medicine, astronomy, animal husbandry, engineering.

Get ready for a world without electricity and no more internet, my friends. It's coming.

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