All theses people who have to have new cars, big houses and a bunch of fancy shit are going to have a very rude awakening in their near future.
Same same with MLLIONS of Snowflakes who have come of age never having known true hardship in their lives.
The days of Instant Gratification are coming to an end and the double whammy of twenty second memory spans so many people have is going to effectively double the intensity of the pain that is coming their way.
Basic freaking necessities are going to be front and center for everyone’s attention.
Lessons learned and long forgotten from The Great Depression are about to be relearned anew by generations who have absolutely no idea of what is coming.
Food Security is going to be a high priority for people who have never been hungry a day in their life and have no idea where what they eat even comes from.
Gardening is going to be HUGE, just like it was during World War II and the Victory Garden program.
Look for shortages of seeds and especially fertilizer to be in the news here real shortly.
Thanks to Wes, I am covered for seeds and then some.
God Bless You for that.
I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
He spent a lot of time gathering, drying, sorting, packaging and labeling up a big box of seeds for me.
More than I could possibly plant in the space I have available.
I already shared a few with a daughter who gardens, I don’t want them to go to waste.
Canning and Preserving are going to be hot topics soon also.
Ain’t nobody going to be able to afford extra running around anyway the way the prices of fuel are going.
Might as well start learning some skills people.
I’m thinking about starting some open threads, so those of you who already have those skills can maybe share some of that knowledge with the rest of us.
It is going to supremely important.
Hard times are here now, most people just don’t realize it yet.
They will soon enough.
We are going to be seeing things that haven’t been seen in this country in ninety years.
They have a steep learning curve ahead of them and very little time to catch up.
When they do wake up, every possible thing you can imagine food growing, storage and preservation wise is going to be unobtanium shortly afterward.
Think Morons and Toilet Paper.
What's coming is going to weed out most of the pussies and idiots society has been dragging along. However it's likely to take out quite few who aren't stupid, useless parasites also. The grim reaper isn't particularly selective.
Amen. Started raising chickens 12 years ago and have now added quail. Gardens are hard. I’m in the hills of Silicon Valley and there a lot of predators who can climb, chew basically de-nude yours crops Just before harvesting. Last fall I built a ten by twenty enclosure using aluminum electrical conduit pipes ten feet long lol. Bent six of them to form a tunnel and then covered it with metal fencing. Works great! Need a few more but the concept has been proven. Aged quail droppings are used for fertilizer. Number one piece of advice is to pick one thing and then start doing it. There is a learning curve on everything. Until this last year I used to let the old hens forage free during the day and then put them back in their coop at night. Eventually hawks or coyotes would get them. But I have family members who need help making ends meet so now those hens are made into chicken sausage. Which has been greatly appreciated by those you receive it. Dispatching an animal is no fun btw. But perspective gives you the focus and impetus. We also have bees. Have been giving the honey away as we don't eat sugar. But in dire situation it is calorie dense food for the team. Also honey is a great as an antibacterial treatment.
Potatoes & Turnips - 5 potatoes / day= your (very) basic nutrition - both easy to grow- woodchips / for moistening mulch (see 'Back to Eden Gardening'. Hard work, but view it as survival sweat equity.
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