Anybody had experience with dowsing?

Yep, it works! Take two 15" pieces of uncoated mild steel welding rod, bend a 3" 90 on the end of each and hold them away from your body. Grip the rods in a loose fist and walk forward. When you are in the vicinity of water (or over an existing underground pipe) the rods will magically swing together and point down! I watched an old rancher do it and it worked when I tried it...
Gordon in Northern Idaho
I have. The first time the Chief at the light house wanted to fine the waterline from the tank to the fire pump. He took two metal coat hangers, cut and bent them into "Ls". He held one in each hand by the short part of the "L" and walked over the area where the line should have been, the rods in his hand moved! They worked for me but nothing for the third guy at the station.
Some years later I needed to put in a well, I grabbed two coat hangers and made the "Ls" & tried it, still worked!
They would swing back and then back forward at certain points in my yard. I could back up over those points and they would swing! I marked the places and it looked like there were streams under ground.
I had the well drilled at the spot where the rods swung the fastest, good water at 32', I had neighbors with 200' wells..
As a note ... I do NOT understand this, the rods did move by themselves, no idea why.
I had my 4 kids try it, they worked for 3 of them but nothing happened for the 4th kid.
That here was water under where the rods swung is a total GUESS on my part, I DID get a good well where they swung the fastest..
For those of you who say this is bunk or you can get just as good results from lawn darts or some other crap, go grab yourself some wire coat hangers, some friends and your back yard and try it out... maybe YOU can figure out whey those suckers swing back & forth like that. I can't. But they do move all by themselves...
Gotta use a Willow switch. Hold the long ends of the “Y” until the single point points down.
also, what sign of the zodiac you are born under helps, i had no luck, i am fire sign, my brother in law is a water sign, he has sucessfully witched several wells
My Geology Professor, commenting on downers, suggested giving a wino all the wine he wanted and wherever he dropped an empty bottle, to drill a well at that location. Having worked for the family that drilled the first well in California,I could agree.