Sunday, January 9, 2022

When You Are Catching Flak, You Are Over The Target

 It seems I hammered someone hard enough with my little expose over at my current site hard enough that someone decided a good old fashioned DDOS attack was in order to try and shut me up.

Good luck with that assholes.

Since I'm a mechanic and not a tech geek I don't currently know how to mitigate that so score one for them but it's just a matter of time until it gets worked out.

In the mean time I still have this place and even a couple more, if necessary.

I appreciate the concern and support I am getting and will spread the word around that this place is still active and the Trolls can take a big suck straight out of my ass.


taminator013 said...

For some reason, your new site is tied up with Cold Fury's. If you place the cursor over the tab at the top of the page while it's trying to load, it says

Bobo the Hobo said...

Been trying to access the site for days, thought my ‘outer skills were the problem. Kill off those trolls!

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