Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Something Cute Department

 I wanted something innocent, cute. Tired of the drama, the crap and baleful ignorance and apathy of some people in medical, business, law.  It has to stop or we are gonna tear ourselves apart. If you have ever owned a Chihuahua you know this very well. You don't need to waste electricity on a doorbell. They have a genetic desire to protect you and warn you and do it well. I have a large (10#), 13 year old Chi female named Guido, yes it is a male name, deal with it. An ex wife gifted so to speak hers and I have had her now for eight years and won't part from her and will get another female when her time is nigh. No, this is not her, just a meme.

The second picture is her, Guido. By my desk and holds court there.


Fred said...

My daughter has 3 chihuahuas, Carly, Hazel, and Sammi. Hazel is one-eyed got took out by a cat. Vicious little dog, barks growls and bites. But let me sit on the couch and that little fucker is up there falling asleep in my lap. Hazel the pirate.

Gregory said...

I would rather, by far, have a cocker spaniel.

Cederq said...

Gregory, I am partial to Queensland Heelers and have had several. This was my ex-wife's dog when we split and she didn't want her, I had about two months previous had to have my Heeler put down due to CA. I don't get dogs for convenience and since we had Guido while Q was alive I took her and she is my best bud.

Henry Lee said...

We had a Chihuahua from our son. It did t get along with the big dogs. I once told the vet I'd never have another terrier type dog. She replied that she had a Jack Russel which, if it wasn't cute, it would be dead. Now, after time to forget, I'd have another one. I'm too old for the GSD mix we have now. She's just too big and strong.

ChuckInBama said...

I love my 20# standard Yorkie. Great little doorbell. Sleeps right next to my chest. If he hears ANYTHING abnormal, that low growl has me instantly awake. He has the heart of a lion mounted on a mouse's ass, but he may be the best dog I ever had.

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