Tuesday, January 11, 2022

I Think Someone Is Trying To Tell Me Something

 Over the last, what, three days?

I must have seen thirty different articles screaming about the looming food crisis.

Oh, it's coming, don't you worry.

I told you long ago it was coming.

Starvation is one of the Commies FAVORITE weapons.

Food scarcity is also a great control method.

You have all seen the pictures of empty shelves everywhere.

I have posted them myself.

People like my wife are about to get the shock of their entire life.

Their Normalcy Bias is going to cause Cognitive Dissonance when they can't get all that prepackaged crap that all you have to do is throw in the Nukulizer and serve.

Entire generations in this country have never known real hunger.

I can tell you that if you have ever known real hunger, you will never forget it.

I'm not so sure that there is going to be actual starvation here in the land of plenty but I am thinking that there is going to be a whole lot of diet modification going around.

Actual scarcity coupled with massive inflation is going to cause real problems in certain sectors of our population.

This isn't going to be somebody else's problem and a NIMBY kind of thing.

There is only so much of this and so much of that.

Once it's gone we are going to have to wait until the seasonal cycle goes around again before it eases up.

The world wide supply chain is broken.

You aren't going to be getting fresh fruits and vegetables from Mexico and South America in the off season like we have gotten used to.

Interesting times are here.


Glypto Dropem said...

Ignorant stupid people think I have dangerous and violent tendencies because I advocate for the extermination of all commies. I spent my entire Army enlistment in opposition to Communism (Soviet style for me), so I won't be a useful idiot, willing passenger on the train to the gulag, or standing against a wall.

judgeroybean said...

Good thing President Trump is not in office or we'd see the MSM screeching about the food shortage 24/7/365.

ChuckInBama said...

We NEED something like this to happen so that more people will pay attention to what's going on. If enough of the retards have to go without their chicken nuggets, they may be interested in beating the hell out of the ones who caused the shortage.

Greg said...

Been saying for years that I just hope I have enough garlic and cayenne stashed away to choke down that stewed possum with.
Yeah, unless you're a hardcore homesteader to begin with, we're all in for some "diet modification" coming soon. We're ready. It'll be one thing when they scream about some individual shortage, like those chicken nuggets, but the real fires start when the EBT cards stop working. Test cases have determined that it's about 24 to 48 hours before the gimmedats start going berserk.

FeralFerret said...

I've been truly hungry. Not a fun experience.

A lot of people have absolutely no idea what is about to happen. Even many who have been warned just can't get past their normalcy bias as you said. My wife has been on my rear end for stocking up so much. She is about to find out why I have done this despite her bitching.

Besides food, make sure you have other essentials. Hygiene items are important. Clothing items that you are in need of should be immediately obtained. Medical support items also, including nutritional supplements and if possible prescriptions.

h said...

Check out Coles (major supermarket chain) Brisbane, Australia -


Gutted, skinned, not much left to strip from the bones. Would have liked to see the 'vegan meat' section.

I don't shop at commie chains, so don't know their situation locally (Victoria, Australia), but independents seem well able to keep the shelves mostly full. Manufactured crisis much?

clayusmcret said...

h's bitchute video shows what the combination of fascist lockdowns and broken supply chains get ya.

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