Saturday, July 2, 2016

Caption This Picture Of Hillary

I have some of the best readers out there and some of you have a pretty wicked sense of humor I've noticed.

Have at it and give it your best shot.


Z@X said...

White lies matter ...

Irish said...

Little girl... " damn!, even "I" think this c$&t should be in jail"

Irish said...

On s serious note. Check this link

What doe It really say about the rule of law that governs us as citizens if these clowns skate away ?

Phil said...

The rule of law has been dead in this country for over a hundred years.
They just quit pretending it still exists.

Irish said...

It's all gonna come to a head. I wonder what the catalyst will be?

Did you get to relax yesterday?

Phil said...

Irish, after reading that it suggests to me that there should be ten or fifteen more people facing charges.

Irish said...

Sad and disgusting. Isn't there anyone left with integrity? I never really paid attention until bills " impeachment" and he ssid something about what the meaning of the word is, is. Then nothing ever happened. I guess that was when I started to take notice. Since then we have seen so many blatantly open times that people have skated. Hillary- Obama- Lois Lerner- charlie Rangel- many others. It's all smoke and mirrors and dogs and ponies. Meanwhile the working middle class get fucked.

Irish said...

Here's one more for ya before I head to work

Funny but sad and true given some of the headlines nowadays.

How will we ever fight that???

Stay safe

Grog said...

Looks like Irish has the winning caption, I can't think of anything better than that.

FWIW, I agree with both of your serious comments, domestic enemies can be financial as well as political.

Phil said...

Buddy, I thank God that I will be dead one way or another before I let that become my reality.

Anonymous said...

Whys this white lady got her hand on my ass?

deb harvey said...

caption; 'the light dawns.'.
also like anonymous' caption. from what i hear about bill's taste for young-uns, and hill's preferences, she may have decided to give bill's preferences a try from her own angle!

Anonymous said...

Momma?!! You gona really owe me for having to listen to THIS one's S#!t......

Phil said...

And now for mine,

Oh Please Bitch, You are SO going to jail.

Unknown said...

What you talking about Willis?

Eclectic Kelvin said...

Clean your own damm toilet Cracker

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