Wednesday, October 14, 2015

So Much For That

I came home from work tonight and found the brand fucking new 55 inch television sitting on the floor facing the wall and the old one back up on the stand.
I asked the wife what the fuck that was all about and she told me that she went somewhere and had the Teen Ager watch the Autistic boy for a few minutes. Apparently he got pissed off about something and smashed a plastic toy into the screen and broke a bunch of the LED's inside so that there were streaks of color running across the screen.
The fucking box is still out in the garage.
I didn't even ask if there was insurance on it because if there was, she would have said something.

I just shut my damn mouth and I'll let her decide what she wants to do about it.
To say my wife is pissed is like saying Niagra Falls is wet.

1 comment:

Andolphus Grey said...

. . . and that's why we can't have nice things. . .

I would not have said a word.

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