Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Have Some Plain Truth


Steaven said...

dam right

Unknown said...

Word up 😀

BadTux said...

What is "welfare"?

My grandmother was on SSI and Medicaid after her husband died and left her a widow. My mother qualified for Medicaid when she was pregnant with my brother and myself because her income was below the threshold even though she was working as many hours as possible given her condition. My brother and I also qualified for Medicaid. So, uhm, does that make us all lazy entitled losers? Yeah, I guess. My grandmother was a lazy entitled loser for losing her husband of 40 years. My mother was a lazy entitled loser for accepting Medicaid while working her way through nursing school, upon which she eventually rose to director of nursing of a major hospital with a large salary and a pretty good retirement package now. And my brother and I were lazy entitled losers when Medicaid paid for surgical repair of my foot and surgical repair of his eye, even though we're now computer professionals with six-figure salaries.

Yeah, lazy entitled losers. Thanks, guys!

BTW, cash welfare now exists in only two states -- California and New York. Nowhere else. Everywhere else, it's been phased out in favor of workfare where you have to work to get benefits. But hey, let's not let little "fact" thingies interfere with a little hate for the poor, eh? After all, hating the poor is the national past-time, 'cause Jesus said "make the poor suffer and kick them and keep them down" in the Bible. Or somethin' like that.

Gary in Bama said...

Bad tux I agree with you and your family used the programs as they should be !!. Unfortunately 40 to 60% are forever recipient's. As for workfare rules for every hour you work over 18 you lose double in benefits . Example Papa pizza hires you for 18 hours a week your benefits make it possible. To take 18 to 35 hours pay without insurance becomes a net loss to you. It is a loop that has become multi generational.

Grung_e_Gene said...

I think anyone who believes this should quit working and live on our " lavish welfare" system.

BadTux said...

So, let me get this straight. Your state has lousy rules for its workfare program (which, BTW, is a *short term* program that is capped at 5 years *lifetime*) and that means that everybody who uses it is a lazy slacker who doesn't want to work? Frankly, multiple generations of my family used benefits of some sort or another at various parts in their life, and all it meant was that their income wasn't enough to remain alive otherwise. But hey, maybe I should just chop off my foot since Medicaid paid for the surgery that saved it because all welfare is evil and everybody who accepts welfare is a loser.

Phil said...

You make my point for me Tux.

"Frankly, multiple generations of my family used benefits of some sort or another at various parts in their life, and all it meant was that their income wasn't enough to remain alive otherwise."

My mother was on welfare after she split with my abusive father and had no income trying to raise me and my brother.
I was on welfare for exactly one month after I had my lower back fused and was starving.
I had ZERO reportable income for the entire year of 1985 because of that.

It is perfectly clear who this little message is for and you damn well know it.
The lazy motherfuckers I see who are perfectly healthy and using the damn EBT cards to buy junk shit with. I see it almost every fucking day and yes, it is generational. Whole entire families with 'em and twenty two year old young men hanging out in front of the local Mini Mart all damn day talking on their new cell phones then wandering inside to buy a box of donuts.
Hey, it's easier than finding a fucking job, ain't it?
Don't even try to tell me I'm wrong here.
They don't have to because jerks ;like me and you bust our asses so they don't have to.

Now take your little straw man arguments and get back to fucking work.

Phil said...

Because ,you know, "hard work" is demeaning ,


BadTux said...

So let me get this straight. You see some dudes whose names you don't even fucking know hangin' round the Mini Mart and you think they're on welfare (even though they're not because there ain't no welfare for able bodied men) because, well. Because of what? Their melanin?

Yeah, I went back to fucking work, because I could hear the Koch Brothers chortling. You know how much traditional "welfare" we have here in the United States now, after twenty years of welfare reform? Twenty billion dollars worth. Or about what the Koch Brothers and their ilk get in corporate welfare every fucking DAY.

Yeah, there's some welfare whores out there, but they got names like GE and Carlisle Group and Koch Industries and Apple. And they'd very much like to concentrate your attention instead on the notion that somewhere, somehow, someone who is not deserving is livin' large on $297 worth of food stamps per month (and where the fuck do you live that $297/month on an EBT card is livin' large, 'cause I want to fucking live there, yo!). Well, mission god damn fucking accomplished, apparently. Man, them Koch propagandists are *good*.

Phil said...

"So let me get this straight. You see some dudes whose names you don't even fucking know hangin' round the Mini Mart and you think they're on welfare (even though they're not because there ain't no welfare for able bodied men) because, well. Because of what? Their melanin?"

No, let me tell you straight.
I see these same melanin enhanced dudes who's names I do not know hanging around the Mini Mart all day, every day, using EBT cards to buy shit like boxes of donuts., You trying to tell me not to believe my own lying eyes?
Pretty hard to do when they are directly in front of me Tux.

BadTux said...

Like I said, dude, somewhere a couple of Koch Industries publicists are high-fiving each other and gleefully chortling "Mission Accomplished!" And you still haven't told me where I could live that $297/month on an EBT card is livin' large....

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