Thursday, December 11, 2014

Los Angeles Police Bragging About Arresting 25 Gang Members

What, did they surround one fucking house?

East L.A. gang sweep: 25 arrested, 5 at large, weapons seized

Los Angeles Times | December 10, 2014 | 11:45 AM
Twenty-five members of an East Los Angeles street gang were arrested and five more were being tracked as fugitives today as hundreds of law enforcement agents swarmed the Eastside in an operation authorities said was aimed at weakening a gang that has been rooted in the community for decades.

At least 38 members of the Big Hazard gang, alleged to have "deep ties" to the Mexican Mafia prison gang, were named in an indictment under federal organized crime statutes.

Catch that?
HUNDREDS of LEO's  to go after one bunch of Mexican gang bangers who were, of course,
"Heavily Armed".


I'm thinking Chris Dorner is laughing his ass off wherever he is.


Andolphus Grey said...

Welp . . . looks like the gang problem is solved.

Sheesh. All that for this?

Curt S said...

This whole gang thing, no matter what city.....what I cannot understand is how it got to where it is. Seems to me that city governments were asleep at the wheel here. Why were they not alert in the beginning before those gangs got that large? Why wasn't action taken when it should have been done? Re "drive by shootings"....IMO every occupant in that vehicle should have been/should be arrested for murder no matter who pulled the trigger. But no....can't do that....that could be considered racist. Know what? I don't give a damm. Get rid of the whole bunch.

Anonymous said...

Do a little due diligence-- the Hazards held a lowincome housing development hostage for decades-- extortion, murder etc,
They were organized and dangerous -- how would suggest the LEO's go in ?

Phil said...

How about 25 years earlier for starters?

Moe said...
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Moe said...

"They were organized and dangerous"

Prolly why the coppers left them alone. LEO's are looking for soft targets, right?


Robert Fowler said...

No dogs to shoot? What about all the armored cars and machine guns they got from Uncle Sugar? Lead in with a couple of Cobra gunships. Give them some 20mm due process.

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