Monday, August 19, 2013


That's the sound you hear when this dude walks by.

The 39-year-old broke his back in two places, shattered several ribs and his shoulder and was paralysed across the right side of his body in a horror road accident 11 years ago.

But he fought back to regain some feeling in his right arm and eventually conquered the challenge of climbing back on his bike.

Mr Gunn battled crosswinds to beat the previous fastest time of 164mph at Elvington Airfield in North Yorkshire.

‘I’m absolutely ecstatic and I don’t think the news has quite sunk in,’ he said.

He became the fastest blind and disabled biker on the planet after hitting 167.1mph on Saturday.

His father, Geoff, rides alongside him and uses an intercom system to tell him if he is drifting off course or needs to brake.
"I have ridden for years with my dad and so it worked really well."

Dude just redefined Crazy MotherFucker in my book.

H/T to FARK for the link and to Nicole Le Marie
Metro News Reporter


Sixbears said...

Just redefined disabled in my book.

sbcw said...

Similar story, different guy...road racing with one arm and one leg.

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