Monday, June 3, 2013

One Less Vote For Gun Control In The Senate

Frank Lautenberg,(D) New Jersey,kicked the bucket at 89. Hew was the last WWII veteran in Congress.
He was also a staunch supporter of gun control.

Lautenberg, 89, missed key Senate votes late last year during a weeks-long absence because of a cold that turned into what he called a "severe case of bronchitis with fluid in the chest." He also battled stomach cancer in recent years.

He announced in a statement in February that he would not seek re-election next year, but he continued to push for stronger gun control laws.

After last month's Boston Marathon bombings, Lautenberg said he would reintroduce legislation to require background checks for sales of explosive powder.

An influential businessman-turned-legislator, Lautenberg scored big victories in Congress, including a ban on smoking on airplanes, preventing domestic abusers from possessing guns, cracking down on drunk driving, and the "Toxic Right to Know" law about the release of pollutants into communities.

We could only be so lucky to see Dianne Feinstein do us the same favor.

Old fuckers like these two who have been in office for many years have a lot of clout.

With Frankie doing us all a favor and becoming room temperature, all that follows him right to the grave.


I can certainly respect the man for his many years of service to his country but career politicians need to be abolished.

They invariably get corrupted.

Term limits is a subject that very seriously needs to be addressed, the original intent of the founders was for someone to get elected, do a job and then return to private life.

Anyways, so long Frankie.

The gun control zealots must be crying in their beer today.

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