Friday, November 6, 2015

California Proposes New Execution Method For Capital Crimes

I guess the old method of Lethal Injection didn't cut it anymore.

California proposes new single-drug method for executions


California unveiled a new method for executing condemned prisoners Friday, proposing a single-drug lethal injection protocol that could restart capital punishment after a 10-year hiatus.
The proposal came as a result of a lawsuit filed against the state by crime victims. A settlement of the suit, brought by the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation, required the state to devise a lethal injection method by this month.
Executions are not likely to resume immediately, however. Public vetting could take a year, and court challenges may follow. Voters next year also may see one or more ballot measures on the death penalty.
The single-drug protocol proposed by Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration would replace the former three-chemical method, struck down by a federal judge in 2006 who said it could cause inhumane suffering if one of the drugs failed to work.



drjim said...

Just give them a massive shot of heroin.....

Anonymous said...

I've still yet to figure out what's so inhumane about a single bullet to the heart. Quick, and waaaay cheaper for the taxpayers.

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