Sunday, December 22, 2013


I got that Christmas shopping bullshit done this afternoon while the wife and her kids watched the Seahawk's game.

The best part of the whole damn thing was that I never stepped foot in a fucking mall.
It's a miracle I'm tellin' ya!

I have news for the stupid fuck that came up with this Demotivational poster,

If you see an old Greybeard in a fucking mall it ain't because he is there to look at jail bait.
He is either on a mission and wants to get in and get out or he is with his wife/girlfriend and just wants out, period.

This has been perfectly illustrated in case you were unaware.

We do not like malls.

They are full of ignorant, noisy and obnoxious people that we want nothing to do with.Starting at the parking lot.

So now I am going to see an old friend and wait for it to be over.

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